Where Caregiving Turns Into Self Care


How can caregivers navigate dementia care with support that fosters self-recognition and a sense of community, leading to a healthier and sustained caregiving journey?

Dementia care can’t be a one-way street. Caregivers are the backbone of this journey, yet their needs often go unseen. It’s time we help them learn to be aware of their own well-being and create a support system that sustains their journey too. Dementia care affects millions of families globally. In the U.S. alone, over 21 million family members provide unpaid care for loved ones suffering from this condition. These caregivers face a significant burden by facing a 30-40% higher risk of depression compared to other caregivers, according to a 2023 report from the Alzheimer’s Association.

Often, caregivers link their own efforts to how much their loved ones suffer. In this equation, prioritizing self-care can feel like a selfish act, leading to both exhaustion and worsening the quality of care provided.

To address this critical need, Sunlit, serves as a warm and supportive companion for dementia caregivers, shifting the focus from helplessness and self-doubt to support and self-care. 

In Sunlit App and Sunlit Box, three key components empower caregivers.

  • Self-Reflection Prompts: Gentle reminders and self-reflection prompts encourage caregivers to acknowledge their daily efforts and emotional well-being. This fosters a sense of self-appreciation and lays the foundation for sustained self-care.

  • Personalized Monthly Recaps: Sunlit generates monthly summaries highlighting people’s self-care progress. These summaries acknowledge small victories, provide positive reinforcement, and allow caregivers to revisit cherished memories with their loved ones.

  • Safe Space for Peer Support: Sunlit fosters a supportive online community where caregivers can connect with others facing similar challenges. This fosters a sense of belonging and allows them to share and receive peer-to-peer encouragement.

By prioritizing self-care and fostering a supportive community, Sunlit empowers dementia caregivers to navigate this challenging journey with increased resilience and well-being, ultimately leading to a more positive caregiving journey.


Tzuyi Lee is a product designer igniting connections between people and products. She champions inclusivity, empowering businesses through design, research, and strategy. Fueled by people’s needs, Tzuyi’s creativity thrives on problem-solving and a philosophy of “try your best and trust your intention.” | | LinkedIn @tzuyilee | Medium @tzuyilee-design